Thursday, April 15, 2010

Wow. 120 GB HDD's are insane prices!!!

Wow. These things are $160 at M$ and like $120 on the bay w/ the transfer cable.Has anyone found any for under $100 that are new w/ the cable? Now that I can store games I prefer that to the unreadable errors/noise but I'm not gonna do it if it's gonna cost me $160. Wow. 120 GB HDD's are insane prices!!!
I would just get the 60 gig. You can get those off Ebay for $50 and that's enough space I think unless you are going to put in a whole library of games which I don't see the point in. 5 or 6 games yeah, but anymore is pointless I think.Wow. 120 GB HDD's are insane prices!!!
ebay it. i got mine for $85
It's pretty absurd when you consider the fact that you can get a 1TB HDD for a desktop PC for that price. The 120GB HDD and the Wifi adapter are ridonculously overpriced.
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It's a massive rip-off.
last time I checked, they were 120 quid which is $179.
i personly think that was microsoft plan with the new update. installing games= more memory, some peole won't have a lot to install so lets make our hard drives overpriced to make more money.
Whats funny, is that the 360 hard drive is really a laptop hard drive with a plastic shell around it. For $120, you can get 500GB

I'm wondering if it's possible to take apart the 360 HDD shell and put in a new laptop HDD
target has some on clearance in my area for $99.
$100 for 120GB is still ridiculously expensive.

It'd be worth it at $60-$70 USD
[QUOTE=''Infinite-Zr0'']Whats funny, is that the 360 hard drive is really a laptop hard drive with a plastic shell around it. For $120, you can get 500GB I'm wondering if it's possible to take apart the 360 HDD shell and put in a new laptop HDD[/QUOTE] 
In canada, a new 120gb is 199$ you can get an arcade xbox360 on sale for 197.99$ at wal mart... ladies and gentlemen of this ''supposed'' jury, this does not MAKE SENSE
[QUOTE=''dRuGGeRnaUt'']In canada, a new 120gb is 199$ you can get an arcade xbox360 on sale for 197.99$ at wal mart... ladies and gentlemen of this ''supposed'' jury, this does not MAKE SENSE[/QUOTE]Where in Canada are you looking? The 120GB drives I see are $159.99 (FS and BB)'s still a rip off though.
why didnt you just get an elite in the first place thats what i did and i dont have to worry about any prices and other issues (over heating )
[QUOTE=''garaa2007'']why didnt you just get an elite in the first place thats what i did and i dont have to worry about any prices and other issues (over heating )[/QUOTE] same here. In the UK last Christmas they were doing specials on Xbox 360s and the Elite wasn't a great deal more expensive than the 60GB version.
Yeah the HDD's are ridiculously overpriced. What justifies the high price?

Is it just that M$ needs profit from their Xbox and they chose HDD?

Surely they can't be so costly to manufactor?
Yeah, here in Europe you buy it for 199EURO(!), which means you are paying +-270$ for the same thing, also games are 65EURO, so thats 90$, so they just changes the price tags from a $ to the EURO sign... Its a total rip-off if you buy an xbox over here.
They are expensive here in the UK too. Although some places do special offers on them and stuff. But a game is £40 sometimes £50 and a 120gb HDD is about £100-£120. MS over charge massively.
I agree that the hard drives are overpriced.  At that price they should all include a transfer cable too.  The reason they're overpriced isn't that hard to figure out.  Microsoft wants people to buy the system that's right for them.  Imagine if the 60 gig drive was $50 and the 120 gig drive was $100.  You could just buy a $199 arcade system and then spend $50 to upgrade to a pro.  You would basically be getting a pro system for $250.  Or you could spend $100 and get an elite for $300 and have enough for another controller or some games.This is what Microsoft wants to avoid.  They want you to buy the right system right off the bat instead of ''cheating'' the system and getting yourself a better deal.

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